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October 6, 2015 Equalization Meeting MVID’s Board of Directors will conduct the annual equalization meeting on Monday, October 26th, 2015 at 7:00 PM at the Senior Center in Twisp, Washington. The purpose of the meeting is to equalize assessments for the 2016 irrigation season. Equalization meeting notices will be mailed to members on October 7th. Any questions may be directed to the district office at (509) 997-2576 or
September 1, 2015
The MVID West Canal will be operating to Gunnar’s Spill until the end of September. The water level in the canal will be much lower than it has been in the past. As MVID members below Gunnar’s have converted to wells, the District has had to cut the diversion at the head gate.
You will need to make modifications if your intake is too high relative to the level of the water in the canal. Due to the record low flows in the Twisp River, and to ensure that the District does not exceed its annual allowance for quantity of water diverted from the Twisp, the District will not be able to increase the diversion just because a member’s intake is too high. Please contact Josh Morgan at (509) 881-9449 if you plan to modify your intake.
If flows in the Twisp River continue to drop, the District may need to modify the intake to increase the flow of water to the head gate. If that happens, it is possible that there will be some interruptions in service.
Trout Unlimited (TU) has completed 42 pumping systems for MVID members who are converting to wells, since starting work five months ago. There have been some delays, and the conversion project is currently running behind schedule. Six systems below Gunnar’s spill are in progress and 23 remain to be developed. TU expects to complete the remaining systems this fall. Fogle Drilling’s crews returned to work this week following a fire-related evacuation.
In Twisp, Bianchi Construction was also delayed due to the fires. The contractor has made less progress than expected and will be back next week to finish work.
Aug 3, 2015 Bianchi Construction Announces Painter’s Addition Construction Schedule Bianchi Construction began work on Harrison Street on August 3rd, moving from the top of the draw toward June Street. Work on Harrison Street is expected to take two to three days, barring unforeseen circumstances. Bianchi will then begin work on Bigelow Street, which will also take about two to three days. Four days of construction on June Street will follow and then the project will be wrapped up by piping along May Street. Bianchi hopes to complete work in Painter’s Addition by about August 21. During construction, MVID members may experience service interruptions of up to 10 hours during the day because of uncertainty about the location of charged MVID irrigation water lines. As a safety precaution, the supply lines may be shut down when Bianchi is working in high risk areas. Service interruptions will be announced in advance on the MVID website, via e-mails to members, and by door to door contact. Any questions should be directed to Michael Notaro at 429-2939. Bach Drilling resumes work on the West Pipe Groundwater Supply System Bach Drilling has completed drilling and well development in the West Pipe Groundwater Supply wellfield located in the Schulz Orchard. Excavation has begun for piping that will connect the 4 wells in the wellfield. Construction of a small concrete block building to house the pump control system will begin next week. Bach estimates that the wellfield and controls should be ready for testing by mid-September. Tree removal contract A contract to remove trees along abandoned canal sections from the West Canal headgate to the end of the MVID service area should be out for bids on September 11. To minimize ground disturbance, the contract will specify that the trees must be removed when the ground is frozen. Stumps will not be removed except as necessary to facilitate tree handling. All woody debris will be removed or chipped and left on site. The work will be performed only on those sections of abandoned canal not being piped as part of the West Distribution System Project. Trees in areas to be piped will be removed by Bianchi Construction. MVID’s policy for tree removal on abandoned canal sections states that all deciduous trees over 6” in diameter within the MVID easement will be removed unless the landowner signs a written release of liability for deciduous trees he or she wishes to preserve within the easement. All conifers within the easement will remain unless MVID and the landowner agree that they pose a hazard. MVID assumes no responsibility for trees outside of its easement. Landowners along the canal will be contacted individually prior to tree removal to mark deciduous trees that they wish to retain and those conifers they consider hazardous.
July 27, 2015 Work to Begin on Painter's Addition Piping August 2nd
Bianchi Construction, the contractor for MVID’s West Distribution Project, has announced it will begin work in Painter’s Addition in the Town of Twisp during the week of August 2nd. Originally Bianchi had planned to wait until October 1st to begin work in that area.
The contractor will leave access open along town streets at the end of each working day. If you have special access needs or concerns, please let Michael Notaro know--(509) 429-2939.
Each MVID member in Painter’s Addition who will be served by the new West Pipe system must designate a service hookup location along the property boundary by July 31st. To designate your service location, please call Michael Notaro at the number listed above. If you are eligible for service, Michael will contact you if he does not hear from you. If you do not identify your service location, the project team will choose a location for you.
Well Conversion Project
On some small parcels, domestic wells are being upgraded for combined irrigation and domestic use. Upgrades of all such wells below Twisp that are currently being used for irrigation use will be completed in August. Outreach to irrigators above Twisp will begin in the next two weeks. Those members should be prepared to discuss their existing wells and delivery systems so the project team can arrange for evaluation by a well driller. Fogle Drilling of Republic, WA, is bringing on extra crews in hopes of completing most well conversions by fall.
Bach Drilling Resumes Work On Well Field
Bach Drilling, the contractor responsible for the West Canal Groundwater Supply System, has resumed work after a hiatus to fine-tune designs and secure materials. The contractor expects that most of the work will be completed by September 1st, including a concrete-block building containing the MVID pump-control system. A 72-hour pump test earlier this year confirmed that more than enough water will be available to supply demand on the West Pipe. During the pump test, a sand collection filter collected only a few grains of sand during the entire three days—a good indication that the screens are properly sized and that sand accumulation during pumping should not be a concern.
June 16, 2015 MVID east pipe shutdown scheduled for June 23rd
MVID’s East Pipeline will be shut down between 7 AM and 7 PM on Tuesday, June 23rd so that the contractor can complete work on the pipeline. The work includes replacing a leaking valve, installing two air relief valves, and fusing tees to the main pipe for individual takeouts that have not already been installed. The work requires an empty pipe.
Please contact District Secretary Sandra Strieby with any questions: or 997-2576.
May 28, 2015 Individual Well Conversions On Schedule MVID’s well conversion project—to switch some MVID members receiving water from the piped distribution system now under construction to individual wells—is on schedule. About 80 MVID members, mostly on the West Canal system, are participating in the program. Two well-drilling companies and one pump installer are working on the conversions, at sites along the Twisp-Carlton Road. read more >>
May 13, 2015
Some MVID water to be turned on in Twisp
Lloyd Logging has announced that MVID members located on Wagner and Marble Streets will receive water on May 18. The line running behind the Sportsman Motel and by Blackbirds will be charged at the same time. This is also a good time to remind MVID members that they are responsible for hooking up to the MVID valve located on their property line. read more >>