Please note that the documents on this page are historic; information and links may be outdated.
MVID’s By-Laws and Rules & Regulations were amended in April 2018. You can see the by-laws here and the rules & regulations here or request copies from the Secretary. MVID has also adopted a policy that requires installation of detectable marking tape and locating wire when new facilities are installed (tracer wire policy), which you can see here.
In 2020, MVID resumed offering surplus water to non-members and members who have irrigable land that is not being assessed. You can download the 2020 extra water agreement here. Please call the District Secretary with any questions.
In November 2021, MVID’s Board of Directors amended the district’s fee schedule, which took effect on January 1, 2022 (you can request a copy here). We strongly recommend that you review MVID’s rules and the tracer-wire policy and contact the district office before you initiate any land division or boundary line adjustment within the district.
June 5, 2018
MVID’s By-Laws and Rules & Regulations were amended in April 2018. You can see the by-laws here and the rules & regulations here or request copies from the Secretary. MVID has also adopted a policy that requires installation of detectable marking tape and locating wire when new facilities are installed (tracer-wire policy), which you can see here.
May 24, 2016
MVID directors John Richardson and Steve Dixon resigned earlier this spring. The district now has two new interim directors, Chris Zahn and Mark Edson. District contact information for the 2016 season is as follows:
Chris Zahn, Director (509) 860-8421
Mark Edson, Director 997-7777 (shop); (509) 429-9549 (cell)
Sandra Strieby, Secretary (509) 997-2576 (email now expired; current email:
Josh Morgan, Operations Manager (509) 997-6843
MVID also has new rules, adopted by the board in February and available from the Secretary.
March 1, 2016 MVID plans to exclude all members who use or will use individual wells as their sources of irrigation water effective December 31st, 2016, with two exceptions:
Well users who would like to request early exclusion may do so if they agree to forfeit warranties
Any well user who does not have a well by April 15th may request an extension of the exclusion date
If you would like to request early exclusion, please send a signed request to MVID by April 8th.
Please include the following in your letter: "I request immediate exclusion from the Methow Valley Irrigation District and understand that, by requesting immediate exclusion, I will forfeit warranties."
All owners of the parcel must sign the request
February 9, 2016 [superseded rules] At their regular meeting on February 8th, 2016, MVID’s Directors adopted revised Rules and Regulations and a resolution assigning water rights to those members of the District who have converted or will convert to individual wells as their irrigation delivery system.
View the Rules and Regulations
View the Assignment Resolution (which contains MVID’s assignment provisions). The petition and map mentioned in the resolution are on file in the District office.