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2014 News & Updates

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Please note that the documents on this page are historic; information and links may be outdated.

Dec. 5, 2014 The project staff have requested that the project calendar be posted here. It is 8 pages long. Work on the East mainline pipe has finished for the winter and will resume when the ground thaws in the spring. Drilling for the well field behind Hank's Harvest Foods is expected to be complete by Christmas. Design work on the pumps, controls, shed, etc for the production groundwater supply will proceed during the winter; construction will resume in spring.

Nov 20, 2014 The MVID Directors have revised the proposed well compensation package, and have posted it here for Member review.

Oct. 22, 2014 3-week project implementation schedule is available here. Pipe welding will start south of the PUD substation and work south. Tree clearing will start south of the Loup Highway, and also work south.

Oct. 16, 2014 Groundbreaking Event, 8 Twisp-Winthrop Eastside Rd, Twisp: 11am - 12:30 pm Map of MVID Groundbreaking Event

Sept. 16th, 2014 The MVID Directors and Trout Unlimited have agreed upon a proposal for compensating MVID Members who will be converting to individual wells. The Well Compensation Proposal document is open for Member Comment until Tuesday, 9/30/14. To comment, please contact a MVID Director, or Bunny Morgan, by phone or email.

Sept. 23rd, 2014 The following CORRECTION was submitted to the MV News regarding this article: MVID members converting to individual wells will remain members of MVID until such time as the Directors decide it is in the best interest of the District to allow them to leave. August 8th, 2014 The MVID Directors mailed a letter to all the MVID Members on August 8th. The letter announced a members meeting to be held on August 13th, and it also outlined the proposed changes for MVID water rights and infrastructure improvements. The Directors have posted the following contracts for member review: DOE/MVID Trust Water Right Contract; TU/MVID Implementation Contract. Also the Directors have posted their answers to questions submitted by Bill White in April 2014, and answers to other Frequently Asked Questions.

August 13th, 2014 Special MVID Members Meeting, 7pm, Twisp Grange. The MVID Directors will update members on the current project scope, including maps, plans for well locations, and water banking information.

July 2014:

July 25th, 2014

The draft Reports of Examination concerning MVID water rights were posted on the WA Dept. of Ecology website. Comments may be submitted to Ecology prior to Aug. 24, 2014. Click here to view the reports and for instructions on how to submit comments.

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